Fiat Yamaha MotoGP

In this season the most successful is where Rossi has won nine times on the podium winning the series. Engine power and fuel consumption is much better than the previous generation machine. Electronic devices also has undergone many changes and evolved so much better. For the first time the modified control point by point.

Use of any tire switch from Michelin to Bridgestone, which ban the use of this adaptation is more difficult. To balance it required changes in the distribution of motor weight. In this season, MotoGP World Champion Rossi back.

Machinery for the specification of the 2009 season did not change but the motor is more "smart" electronically. In this year's title duni Rossi presents a to-4 as well as the last for the team "tuning fork" In this 2010 season Rossi must give up his world title to move into team-mate Jorge Lorenzo. Motor with a bit of development as stated by the "X-Fuera". "Motor not changed much," said Lorenzo.

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